A. Biochemical Kit Adalah
Biokimia, kadang-kadang disebut biologi kimia, adalah studi tentang fenomena kehidupan pada tingkat molekuler mendasarkan pada prinsip dan metode kimia. Ini terutama berfokus pada tiga bidang: struktur dan fungsi biomolekul, metabolisme dan pengaturan zat kimia dan molekuler dasar dan pengaturan properti transformasi informasi genetik.
Pengujian biokimia selalu berisi langkah-langkah berikut: penelitian literatur untuk memilih metode deteksi, persiapan reagen, pra-eksperimen untuk uji kelayakan dan optimalisasi sistem analitik dan proses. Karena kurangnya pengalaman eksperimental peneliti, optimalisasi eksperimental berulang. Kondisi ini tidak hanya membuang-buang waktu, spesimen dan reagen, tetapi juga kecil kemungkinannya untuk memperoleh keandalan data yang tepat waktu. Sebaliknya, biochemical kit atau kit biokimia dapat memberikan reagen/standar yang optimal untuk pengujian biokimia dan protokol serta tips yang terperinci, memberikan solusi yang nyaman, cepat dan andal bagi para peneliti.
Dibandingkan dengan kit ELISA yang biasa digunakan di laboratorium, biochemical kit memainkan peran yang tidak tergantikan dan dapat digunakan sebagai pelengkap dengan kit ELISA.
B. Perbedaan Biochemical Kit Dengan ELISA kit
Metode biochemical kit umumnya didasarkan pada reaksi kimia. Sementara pada ELISA, berdasarkan adanya ikatan spesifik antara antibodi dan antigen. Kit Biochemical dari Elabscience umumnya bisa dibaca dengan menggunakan Microplate reader dan Spectrophotometer. Tersedia pilihan kit dengan metode kolorimetri atau pun fluorometri.
Berikut merupakan perbedaan antara biochemical kit dan elisa kit yang disederhanakan dalam bentuk tabel.
Tabel 1. Perbedaan Biochemical kit dan ELISA kit
Biochemical Kit | ELISA Kit | |
Prinsip | Reaksi Kimia | Ikatan spesifik antara antibodi dan antigen |
Tujuan Deteksi |
Aktivitas enzim (enzim), Konsentrasi (sakarida, ion, protein, dsb) | Konsentrasi (protein, antibodi, dsb) |
Alat |
Microplate reader, Spectrophotometer, Biochemical analyzer | Microplate reader |
Metode Deteksi |
Colorimetry, Fluorometry, Immunoturbidimetry | Colorimetry |
Kelebihan |
Kisaran deteksi linear yang lebar, Penggunaan mudah, Jenis sample luas | Sensitivitas dan spesifitas tinggi |
C. Biochemical Kit Merk Elabscience
Elabscience memiliki tim R&D profesional dan berpengalaman yang terdiri dari banyak ahli dan peneliti berpengalaman yang mengkhususkan diri dalam berbagai bidang ilmu kehidupan. Biokimia adalah dasarnya pokok bahasan ilmu kehidupan. Peneliti mempelajari komposisi kimia dan aturan perubahannya dalam organisme untuk membantu kita memahami misteri kehidupan.
Elabscience membangun platform untuk pengembangan produk deteksi biokimia. Elabscience memberikan informasi yang sangat spesifik, sensitif dan kit uji biokimia yang akurat untuk memenuhi permintaan penelitian Anda, termasuk serangkaian koenzim, glutathione, neurotransmitter, oksidasi dan antioksidan, vitamin, metabolisme asam amino dan gliko metabolisme dll.
Gambar 1. Biochemical assay kit merk Elabscience
C.1 Pilihan Fleksibel
Berbagai metode deteksi: Kolorimetri, Fluorometri, Turbidimetri.
Aplikasi luas: deteksi kandungan protein/metabolit/vitamin/ion fungsional, aktivitas enzim, dll.
Berbagai jenis sampel: serum, plasma, sel yang dikultur, jaringan tumbuhan dan hewan, dll., tidak ada batasan untuk spesies.
Berbagai instrumen: microplate reader, Spektrofotometer, biochemical analyzer.
C.2 Performa Unggul
Reprodusibilitas yang baik: intra-CV<5%, antar-CV<5%, recovery rate 100±5%.
Stabilitas luar biasa: kit tetap stabil hingga 6 bulan pada 2~8℃.
Pengoperasian yang sederhana dan cepat: 50 sampel dapat dideteksi dalam waktu 1 jam.
C.3 Banyak Pilihan Biochemical Kit
Oxidative stress | MDA, CAT, GSH, VC, VE, NO, MPO, T-GSH/GSSG, H2O2, ROS, LPO, T-AOC, TBARS, -SH, XOD, POD, T-SOD, GR, LDH,
GRAC, APX, GSH-Px, Protein Carbonyl |
Liver biomarker | ALT, AST , ALB, TP, ALP, TBA, D-BIL, LDH, GSH-ST, γ-GT, 5′-NT |
Lipid metabolism | NEFA, MDA, LPS, TC, TG, TBA, LPO, LDL-C, HDL-C, TBARS |
Amino acid protein | T-AA, ALB, Hyp, TP, FHb, Hcy, Pro, Cys, MetHb |
Glycolysis | LA, LDH, G-6-PD, Glu, ATP, Maltase, Glycogen, Pyruvic Acid, Lactase, Sucrase, Fructose, Sucrose |
Inorganic salt ion | TIBC, Zn, Fe, NH3, Mg, Cl, K, Cu, Na, Pi, Ca, Nitrite |
TCA cycle | CA, α-KGDH |
Renal | biomarker UA, Cr, Urea |
Plant stress resistance | Pro, Plant Flavonoids, Total Phenols |
Others | SA, ALC, H2S |
Berikut merupakan list produk Biochemical kit merk Elabscience. Marker kit baru akan terus ditambahkan, jadi mohon untuk menghubungi kami di WA : +62 812-9318-5185 untuk update informasi produk atau terkait harga.
Tabel 2. Daftar produk biochemical assay kit merk Elabscience
Cat. No. | Detection Type | Product Name | Size | Instrument |
E-BC-K013 | Content detection | Non-esterified Free Fatty Acids (NEFA) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K014 | Content detection | Non-esterified Free Fatty Acids (NEFA) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 96T | Microplate reader, Biochemistry analyzer |
E-BC-K016 | Content detection | Uric acid (UA) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K018 | Content detection | D-Xylose Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K025 | Content detection | Malondialdehyde (MDA) Colorimetric Assay Kit (TBA method) | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K027 | Content detection | Malondialdehyde (MDA) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Plant sample) | 48/96T | Microplate reader |
E-BC-K028 | Content detection | Malondialdehyde (MDA) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Cell samples) | 400T | Microplate reader |
E-BC-K030 | Content detection | Reduced Glutathione (GSH) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 48/96T | Microplate reader |
E-BC-K033 | Content detection | Vitamin E Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K034 | Content detection | Vitamin C Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K035 | Content detection | Nitric Oxide (NO) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K036 | Content detection | Nitric Oxide (NO) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 48/96T | Microplate reader |
E-BC-K042 | Content detection | Hydroxyl Free Radical (-OH) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K043 | Content detection | Lactic Acid (LA) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Whole blood samples) | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K044 | Content detection | Lactic Acid (LA) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Serum/Tissue samples) | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K051 | Content detection | Reduced glutathione (GSH) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K055 | Content detection | Total Amino Acid (T-AA) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 80 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K057 | Content detection | Albumin (ALB) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Bromocresol green method) | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K058 | Content detection | Albumin (ALB) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Bromocresol green method) | 48/96T | Microplate reader |
E-BC-K059 | Content detection | Copper blue protein (CP) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Serum samples, except chicken serum) | 50 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K061 | Content detection | Hydroxyproline (Hyp) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Alkali hydrolysis method) | 50 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K062 | Content detection | Hydroxyproline (Hyp) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Acid hydrolysis method) | 50 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K068 | Content detection | Sialic Acid (SA) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K070 | Content detection | Nitrite Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K071 | Content detection | Total Iron Binding Capacity Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K073 | Content detection | Glycogen Colorimetric Assay Kit (Liver/Muscle samples) | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K075 | Content detection | Total Protein (TP) Colorimetric Assay Kit (With standard, BCA method) | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K081 | Content detection | Direct bilirubin (D-BIL) Colorimetric Assay Kit (chemical oxidation) | 96T | Microplate reader |
E-BC-K089 | Content detection | Glycosylated Hemoglobin (GHb/HbA1c) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 15 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K097 | Content detection | Total Glutathione (T-GSH)/ Oxidized Glutathione (GSSG) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 48/96T | Microplate reader |
E-BC-K098 | Content detection | Total Glutathione (T-GSH)/ Oxidized Glutathione (GSSG) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Spec) | 50 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K100 | Content detection | Total Mercapto (-SH) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 48T | Microplate reader |
E-BC-K101 | Content detection | Typed Mercapto (-SH) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 24T | Microplate reader |
E-BC-K102 | Content detection | Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K103 | Content detection | Calcium (Ca) Colorimetric Assay Kit (With standard) | 96T | Microplate reader |
E-BC-K109 | Content detection | Total Cholesterol (TC) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Single reagent, COD-PAP method) | 100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K115 | Content detection | Free Hemoglobin (FHb) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K117 | Content detection | Protein Carbonyl Colorimetric Assay Kit (Tissue and serum samples) | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K118 | Content detection | Glutamic Acid Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K130 | Content detection | Pyruvic Acid Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K134 | Content detection | Fructose Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K136 | Content detection | Total Antioxidant Capacity (T-AOC) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K137 | Content detection | Zinc (Zn) Colorimetric Assay Kit | R1:40 mL×1, R2:10 mL×1 | Biochemistry analyzer |
E-BC-K138 | Content detection | Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 100T-500T | Fluorescence, Microplate reader |
E-BC-K139 | Content detection | Iron Colorimetric Assay Kit (Serum samples) | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K140 | Content detection | Iron Colorimetric Assay Kit (Tissue samples) | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K142 | Content detection | Malondialdehyde (MDA) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 100 Assays | Spectrophotometry, Microplate reader |
E-BC-K143 | Content detection | Homocysteine (Hcy) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 100 Assays | Biochemistry analyzer, Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K145 | Content detection | Blood Ammonia Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K157 | Content detection | ATP Colorimetric Assay Kit | 100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K161 | Content detection | Sucrose Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K162 | Content detection | Magnesium (Mg) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K165 | Content detection | Total Protein (TP) Quantitative Colorimetric Assay Kit (With standard, Biuret method) | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K168 | Content detection | Total Protein (TP) Colorimetric Assay Kit (With standard, Coomassie brilliant blue method) | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K169 | Content detection | Endogenous Carbon Monoxide (CO) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Serum and plasma) | 100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K170 | Content detection | Methaemoglobin (MetHb) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K171 | Content detection | Total Carbonyl Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K176 | Content detection | Lipid Peroxide (LPO) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 20/50T | Microplate reader |
E-BC-K177 | Content detection | Proline (Pro) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K179 | Content detection | Total Cholesterol (TC) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Single reagent, COD-PAP method) | 48/96T | Microplate reader |
E-BC-K181 | Content detection | Total Bile Acid (TBA) Colorimetric Assay Kit | R1: 40 mL×2, R2: 10 mL×2 | Spectrophotometry, Biochemistry analyzer |
E-BC-K183 | Content detection | Urea (BUN) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Urease method) | 100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K186 | Content detection | Creatinine (Cr) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Sarcosine oxidase) | 96T | Microplate reader |
E-BC-K189 | Content detection | Chlorine Colorimetric Assay Kit (With standard) | 96T | Microplate reader |
E-BC-K205 | Content detection | Low-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (LDL-C) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Double reagents) | 96T | Microplate reader, Biochemistry analyzer |
E-BC-K206 | Content detection | Low-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (LDL-C) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Double reagents) | 100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K207 | Content detection | Sodium (Na) Colorimetric Assay Kit (with standard) | R1: 15 mL×2, R2: 15 mL×1 | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K219 | Content detection | Total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC) Colorimetric Assay Kit (ABTS method) | 96T | Microplate reader |
E-BC-K221 | Content detection | High-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (HDL-C) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Double reagents) | 96T | Microplate reader, Biochemistry analyzer |
E-BC-K222 | Content detection | High-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (HDL-C) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Double reagents) | 100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K225 | Content detection | Total Antioxidant Capacity Colorimetric (T-AOC) Assay Kit (FRAP method) | 48/96T | Microplate reader |
E-BC-K234 | Content detection | Glucose (Glu) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K238 | Content detection | Triglyceride (TG) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Single reagent, GPO-PAP Method) | 96T | Microplate reader, Biochemistry analyzer |
E-BC-K247 | Content detection | Blood Ethanol Colorimetric Assay Kit | 20 mL/40 mL | Biochemistry analyzer |
E-BC-K261 | Content detection | Triglyceride (TG) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Single reagent, GPO-PAP method) | 100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K265 | Content detection | Total Mercapto (-SH) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 100 Assays | Spectrophotometry, Microplate reader |
E-BC-K279 | Content detection | Potassium (K) Colorimetric Assay Kit (With standard) | 96T | Microplate reader |
E-BC-K284 | Content detection | Plant Flavonoids Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K318 | Content detection | Total Protein (TP) Colorimetric Assay Kit (With standard, BCA method) | 48/96T | Microplate reader |
E-BC-K328 | Content detection | Creatinine (Cr) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Picric acid method) | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K329 | Content detection | Urea (BUN) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Diacetyl oxime colorimetry) | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K351 | Content detection | Citrid Acid (CA) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K352 | Content detection | Cysteine (Cys) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K354 | Content detection | Total Phenols Colorimetric Assay Kit (Plant samples) | 100/200 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K355 | Content detection | H2S Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K019 | Activity detection | Total Superoxide Dismutase (T-SOD) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Hydroxylamine method) | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K020 | Activity detection | Superoxide Dismutase (T-SOD) Colorimetric Assay Kit (WST-1 method) | 48/96T | Microplate reader |
E-BC-K022 | Activity detection | Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) Typed Colorimetric Assay Kit (Hydroxylamine method) | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K024 | Activity detection | Xanthine Oxidase (XOD) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K029 | Activity detection | Glutathione-S-transferase (GSH-ST) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K031 | Activity detection | Catalase (CAT) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K039 | Activity detection | Adenosine Triphosphatase (ATPase) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Cell membranes, mitochondria, microsomes samples) | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K041 | Activity detection | Maltase Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K045 | Activity detection | Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K046 | Activity detection | Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 96T | Microplate reader |
E-BC-K047 | Activity detection | LDH isoenzymes (LDH1) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Inhibition method) | R1:40 mL×1, R2:10 mL×1 | Spectrophotometry, Biochemistry analyzer |
E-BC-K048 | Activity detection | Malic Dehydrogenase (MDH) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Serum samples) | 50 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K049 | Activity detection | Malic Dehydrogenase (MDH) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Tissue samples) | 50 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K050 | Activity detection | Succinate Dehydrogenase (SDH) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K052 | Activity detection | Cholinesterase (CHE) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K053 | Activity detection | Acetylcholinesterase (A-CHE) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K056 | Activity detection | Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K064 | Activity detection | β-N-acetyl-glucosaminidase (NAG) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K065 | Activity detection | Creatine kinase (CK) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K067 | Activity detection | Monoamine Oxidase (MAO) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K072 | Activity detection | 5’-Nucleotidase (5′-NT) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K074 | Activity detection | Myeloperoxidase (MPO) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K078 | Activity detection | Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K083 | Activity detection | α-Ketoglutarate Dehydrogenase (α-KGDH) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 100 Assays | Microplate reader, Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K087 | Activity detection | Lipase (LPS) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K091 | Activity detection | Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K092 | Activity detection | Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 48/96T | Microplate reader |
E-BC-K094 | Activity detection | Acid Phosphatase (ACP) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K096 | Activity detection | Glutathione Peroxidase (GSH-PX) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K099 | Activity detection | Glutathione Reductase (GR) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K106 | Activity detection | Catalase (CAT) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 100 Assays | Spectrophotometry, Microplate reader |
E-BC-K107 | Activity detection | Calcineurin (CaN) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K108 | Activity detection | ATPase ColorimetricAssay Kit (Red blood cells) | 100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K112 | Activity detection | Ca2+-ATPase Colorimetric Assay Kit (Red blood cells) | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K119 | Activity detection | Pyruvate Kinase (PK) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Tissue and serum samples) | 50 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K121 | Activity detection | Hexokinase (HK) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Tissue and serum samples) | 30 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K122 | Activity detection | H+K+-ATPase Colorimetric Assay Kit | 100/200 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K125 | Activity detection | Choline Acetyltransferase (ChAT) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Tissue samples) | 40 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K126 | Activity detection | γ-Glutamyl (γ-GT) transpeptidase Colorimetric Assay Kit | 100 Assays | Spectrophotometry, Microplate reader |
E-BC-K131 | Activity detection | Lactase Colorimetric Assay Kit (Spec) | 50 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K132 | Activity detection | Sucrase Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K148 | Activity detection | Glutathione Peroxidase (GSH-PX) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 100 Assays | Spectrophotometry, Microplate reader |
E-BC-K158 | Activity detection | Nitrate Reductase (NR) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K174 | Activity detection | Acetylcholinesterase (AchE) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 100 Assays | Microplate reader, Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K193 | Activity detection | Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Rate method) | R1:45 mL×1, R2:7 mL×1 | Spectrophotometry, Biochemistry analyzer |
E-BC-K196 | Activity detection | 5’-Nucleotidase (5′-NT) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 96T | Microplate reader |
E-BC-K199 | Activity detection | Na+K+-ATPase Colorimetric Assay Kit (Tissue and cells) | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K200 | Activity detection | Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT/GPT) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K202 | Activity detection | Caspase-3 Colorimetric Assay Kitt | 20T | Spectrophotometry, Microplate reader |
E-BC-K212 | Activity detection | Ca2+-ATPase Colorimetric Assay Kit (Tissue and cells) | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K226 | Activity detection | Peroxidase (POD) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Serum samples) | 50 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K227 | Activity detection | Peroxidase (POD) Colorimetric Assay Kit (Plant samples) | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K233 | Activity detection | Copper-ATPase (Cu-ATPase) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K235 | Activity detection | Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT/GPT) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 48/96T | Microplate reader |
E-BC-K236 | Activity detection | Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST/GOT) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 48/96T | Microplate reader |
E-BC-K240 | Activity detection | β-Amylase Colorimetric Assay Kit | 100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K259 | Activity detection | Polyphenol Oxidase (PPO) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 100 Assays | Spectrophotometry, Microplate reader |
E-BC-K264 | Activity detection | NADPH-Cytochrome C Reductase (NCR) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50 Assays | Spectrophotometry |
E-BC-K289 | Activity detection | Glutathione-S-transferase (GSH-ST) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 100 Assays | Microplate reader |
E-BC-K290 | Activity detection | Glutathion Reductases (GR) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 96T | Microplate reader, Spectrophotometry |
E-B C-K295 | Activity detection | α-Hydroxybutyrate Dehydrogenase (α-HBDH) Colorimetric Assay Kit | R1:60mL×1; R2:30mL×1 | Spectrophotometry, Biochemistry analyzer |
E-BC-K353 | Activity detection | Ascorbate Peroxidase (APX) Colorimetric Assay Kit | 50/100 Assays | Spectrophotometry |