Blood & Urine Chemistry

Cat. No Description Size
DACEN25ML Acetylcholinesterase Reagent 25ML
ECAM-100 EnzyChrom™ α-Amylase Assay Kit 100T
EOAC-100 EnzyChrom™ Acetate Assay Kit 100T
EACL-100 EnzyChrom™ Acetylcholine Assay Kit 100T
E2CH-100 EnzyChrom™ AF Cholesterol Assay Kit 100T
E2HL-100 EnzyChrom™ AF HDL and LDL/VLDL Assay Kit 100T
EALT-100 EnzyChrom™ Alanine Transaminase Assay Kit 100T
EADH-100 EnzyChrom™ Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Assay Kit 100T
ENH3-100 EnzyChrom™ Ammonia/Ammonium Assay Kit 100T
EASC-100 EnzyChrom™ Ascorbic Acid Assay Kit 100T
EASP-100 EnzyChrom™ Aspartate Assay Kit 100T
EASTR-100 EnzyChrom™ Aspartate Transaminase Assay Kit 100T
ECCH-100 EnzyChrom™ Cholesterol Assay Kit 100T
ECHO-100 EnzyChrom™ Choline Assay Kit 100T
ECIT-100 EnzyChrom™ Citrate Assay Kit 100T
ECRT-100 EnzyChrom™ Creatine Assay Kit 100T
ECPK-100 EnzyChrom™ Creatine Kinase Assay Kit 100T
E2CT-100 EnzyChrom™ Creatinine Assay Kit 100T
EDLC-100 EnzyChrom™ D-Lactate Assay Kit 100T
EHCHO-100 EnzyChrom™ Formaldehyde Assay Kit 100T
EFFA-100 EnzyChrom™ Free Fatty Acid Assay Kit 100T
EFMR-100 EnzyChrom™ Fumarase Assay Kit 100T
EFUM-100 EnzyChrom™ Fumarate Assay Kit 100T
EGAL-100 EnzyChrom™ Galactose Assay Kit 100T
EG6P-100 EnzyChrom™ Glucose-6-Phosphate Assay Kit 100T
EGLN-100 EnzyChrom™ Glutamine Assay Kit 100T
EGLY-200 EnzyChrom™ Glycerol Assay Kit 200T
E2GN-100 EnzyChrom™ Glycogen Assay Kit 100T
EGTT-100 EnzyChrom™ GSH/GSSG Assay Kit 100T
EHDL-100 EnzyChrom™ HDL and LDL/VLDL Assay Kit 100T
EHXK-100 EnzyChrom™ Hexokinase Assay Kit 100T
EKBD-100 EnzyChrom™ Ketone Body Assay Kit 100T
EALA-100 EnzyChrom™ L-Alanine Assay Kit 100T
ELAA-100 EnzyChrom™ L-Amino Acid Assay Kit 100T
EAGN-100 EnzyChrom™ L-Arginine Assay Kit 100T
ELCR-100 EnzyChrom™ L-Carnitine Assay Kit 100T
ELAC-100 EnzyChrom™ Lactose Assay Kit 100T
EMAL-100 EnzyChrom™ Malate Assay Kit 100T
E2NP-100 EnzyChrom™ NADP+/NADPH Assay Kit 100T
EOXA-100 EnzyChrom™ Oxalate Assay Kit 100T
EOAA-100 EnzyChrom™ Oxaloacetate Assay Kit 100T
EPHE-100 EnzyChrom™ Phenylalanine Assay Kit 100T
EPPD-100 EnzyChrom™ Phospholipase D Assay Kit 100T
EPYR-100 EnzyChrom™ Pyruvate Assay Kit 100T
ESLA-100 EnzyChrom™ Sialic Acid Assay Kit 100T
ESNT-100 EnzyChrom™ Succinate Assay Kit 100T
ETGA-200 EnzyChrom™ Triglyceride Assay Kit 200T
EUR3-100 EnzyChrom™ Urea Assay Kit III 100T
EXAN-100 EnzyChrom™ Xanthine Assay Kit 100T
EXOX-100 EnzyChrom™ Xanthine Oxidase Assay Kit 100T
EFBA-100 EnzyFluo™ Bile Acid Assay Kit 100T
EFDLC-100 EnzyFluo™ D-Lactate Assay Kit 100T
EFCOA-100 EnzyFluo™ Fatty Acyl-CoA Assay Kit 100T
EINS-100 EnzyFluo™ Inosine Assay Kit 100T
ETRP-100 EnzyFluo™ Tryptophan Assay Kit 100T
DAMY2-100 QuantiChrom™ α-Amylase Assay Kit 100T
DAGD-100 QuantiChrom™ α-Glucosidase Assay Kit 100T
DFUC-100 QuantiChrom™ α-L-Fucosidase Assay Kit 100T
DBGD-100 QuantiChrom™ β-Glucosidase Assay Kit 100T
DNAG-100 QuantiChrom™ β-N-Acetylglucosaminidase Assay Kit 100T
DGGT-100 QuantiChrom™ γ-Glutamyl Transferase Assay Kit 100T
DABA-100 QuantiChrom™ ABTS Antioxidant Assay Kit 100T
DAAT-100 QuantiChrom™ Acetoacetate Assay Kit 100T
DACE-100 QuantiChrom™ Acetylcholinesterase Assay Kit 100T
DACP-100 QuantiChrom™ Acid Phosphatase Assay Kit 100T
DADH-100 QuantiChrom™ Alcohol Dehydrogenase Assay Kit 100T
DARG-100 QuantiChrom™ Arginase Assay Kit 100T
DIAG-250 QuantiChrom™ BCG Albumin Assay Kit 250T
DIAP-250 QuantiChrom™ BCP Albumin Assay Kit 250T
DIBR-180 QuantiChrom™ Bilirubin Assay Kit 180T
DICA-500 QuantiChrom™ Calcium Assay Kit 500T
DICL-250 QuantiChrom™ Chloride Assay Kit 250T
DCST-100 QuantiChrom™ Citrate Synthase Assay Kit 100T
DICT-500 QuantiChrom™ Creatinine Assay Kit 500T
DAOC-120 QuantiChrom™ DPPH Antioxidant Capacity Assay Kit 120T
DIET-500 QuantiChrom™ Ethanol Assay Kit 500T
DFOR-100 QuantiChrom™ Formaldehyde Assay Kit 100T
DIGL-100 QuantiChrom™ Glucose Assay Kit 100T
DGDH-100 QuantiChrom™ Glucose Dehydrogenase Assay Kit 100T
DGPDH-100 QuantiChrom™ Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Kit 100T
DGLDH-100 QuantiChrom™ Glutamate Dehydrogenase Assay Kit 100T
DIHM-250 QuantiChrom™ Heme Assay Kit 250T
DIHB-250 QuantiChrom™ Hemoglobin Assay Kit 250T
DIDC-01K QuantiChrom™ Indican Assay Kit 1000T
DIDC-100 QuantiChrom™ Indican Assay Kit 100T
DIDH-100 QuantiChrom™ Isocitrate Dehydrogenase Assay Kit 100T
D2DH-100 QuantiChrom™ Lactate Dehydrogenase Kit 100T
DLAP-100 QuantiChrom™ Leucine Aminopeptidase Assay Kit 100T
DLPS-100 QuantiChrom™ Lipase Assay Kit 100T
DIMG-250 QuantiChrom™ Magnesium Assay Kit 250T
DIPI-500 QuantiChrom™ Phosphate Assay Kit 500T
DPLM-100 QuantiChrom™ Plasmin Assay Kit 100T
DPCR-100 QuantiChrom™ Protein Creatinine Ratio Assay Kit 100T
DSALY-100 QuantiChrom™ Salicylate Assay Kit 100T
DSFT-200 QuantiChrom™ Sulfate Assay Kit 200T
TCRB-100 QuantiChrom™ Total Carbohydrate Assay Kit 100T
QTPR-01K QuantiChrom™ Total Protein Assay Kit 1000T
QTPR-100 QuantiChrom™ Total Protein Assay Kit 100T
DIUR-100 QuantiChrom™ Urea Assay Kit 100T
DUR2-100 QuantiChrom™ Urea Assay Kit II 100T
DIUA-250 QuantiChrom™ Uric Acid Assay Kit 250T
DWHB-250 QuantiChrom™ Whole Blood Hemoglobin Kit 250T
DIZN-250 QuantiChrom™ Zinc Assay Kit 250T
FACP-100 QuantiFluo™ Acid Phosphatase Assay Kit 100T
D2NH3-100 QuantiFluo™ Ammonia Assay Kit II 100T
DASN-100 QuantiFluo™ Asparaginase Assay Kit 100T
DGLN-100 QuantiFluo™ Glutaminase Assay Kit 100T
DPEI-200 QuantiFluo™ Pepsin Inhibitor Assay Kit 200T
DUKN-100 QuantiFluo™ Urokinase Assay Kit 100T
DUKI-100 QuantiFluo™ Urokinase Inhibitor Screening Assay Kit 100T
QQALBM10 QuantiQuik™ Albumin Quick Test Strips 10T
QQDLAC10 QuantiQuik™ D-Lactic Acid Quick Test Strips 10T
QQGLUC10 QuantiQuik™ Glucose Quick Test Strips 10T
QQHIST10 QuantiQuik™ Histamine Quick Test Strips 10T
QQGLUT10 QuantiQuik™ L-Glutamate Quick Test Strips 10T
QQLLAC10 QuantiQuik™ L-Lactic Acid Quick Test Strips 10T
QQMALA10 QuantiQuik™ Malic Acid Quick Test Strips 10T
QQOXLT10 QuantiQuik™ Oxalate Quick Test Strips 10T
QQPYR10 QuantiQuik™ Pyruvate Quick Test Strips 10T
QQUREA10 QuantiQuik™ Urea (BUN) Quick Test Strips 10T
I1000N Urinary Indican Test Kit 20T