Cosmosil HPLC Column

Akan lebih mudah bagi Anda untuk mencari kolom HPLC yang cocok dengan memulainya dari jenis sampel yang digunakan.

Sample Category Separation Mode Recommended Column Page Remark


Low-MW drugs



Reversed phase C18-EB 30 Near-perfect end capping treatment
Hydrophilic interaction HILIC 44 Retains highly polar compounds that would not be retained in C18 column
Normal phase SL-II 42 Standard for normal phase





Water-soluble vitamins

Reversed phase C18-PAQ 28 Compatible with 100% water based mobile phase
Hydrophilic interaction HILIC 44 Retains highly polar compounds that would not be retained in C18 column
Fat-soluble vitamins Reversed phase C18-MS-II 24 Standard for reversed phase
Cholester 10 Different selectivity from C18
Normal phase SL-II 42 Standard for normal phase



Natural products





Reversed phase

C18-MS-II 24 Utilize various interactions for versatile separations. See each product page for details.
Cholester 10
PBr 14
πNAP 18
Normal phase SL-II 42 Suitable for preparative separation
Hydrophilic interaction HILIC 44 Retains highly polar compounds that would not be retained in C18 column

Organic acids


Reversed phase C18-PAQ 28 Compatible with 100% water based mobile phase
Hydrophilic interaction HILIC 44 Retains highly polar compounds that would not be retained in C18 column
Fatty acids Reversed phase C18-AR-II 26 Features strong acid resistance
Cholester 10 Different selectivity from C18
Phospholipids Molecular species Reversed phase C18-MS-II 24 Standard for reversed phase
Class species Normal phase SL-II 42 Standard for normal phase

Agricultural chemicals



Reversed phase C18-MS-II 24 Standard for reversed phase
Cholester 10 Different selectivity from C18
Normal phase SL-II 42 Standard for normal phase
Hydrophilic interaction HILIC 44 Retains highly polar compounds that would not be retained in C18 column





Reversed phase C18-MS-II 24 Standard for reversed phase
Cholester 10 Different selectivity from C18
Normal phase SL-II 42 Standard for normal phase
Hydrophilic interaction HILIC 44 Retains highly polar compounds that would not be retained in C18 column


Food additives



Reversed phase C18-MS-II 24 Standard for reversed phase
Cholester 10 Different selectivity from C18
Normal phase SL-II 42 Standard for normal phase
Hydrophilic interaction HILIC 44 Retains highly polar compounds that would not be retained in C18 column

Other low-MW compounds



Reversed phase C18-MS-II 24 Standard for reversed phase
Cholester 10 Different selectivity from C18
Normal phase SL-II 42 Standard for normal phase
Hydrophilic interaction HILIC 44 Retains highly polar compounds that would not be retained in C18 column



Structural isomers Structural analogs








Reversed phase

C18-MS-II 24  


Utilize various interactions for versatile separations. See each product page for details.

C18-AR-II 26
Cholester 10
πNAP 18
PYE 20
NPE 22
PBr 14
PFP 17
Normal phase SL-II 42 Standard for normal phase

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