Deteksi Penyakit Pada Tanaman Dengan PCR Kit Merk Loewe Germany

Deteksi Penyakit Pada Tanaman Dengan PCR Kit Merk Loewe Germany

Solusi lengkap deteksi penyakit tanaman dengan metode PCR

Penyakit Tanaman

Seperti sudah kami ulas di sini, penyakit tanaman adalah keadaan fungsi fisiologis abnormal lokal atau sistemik tanaman, akibat ‘iritasi’ terus menerus dan berkepanjangan yang disebabkan oleh organisme fitopatogenik (agen penyakit menular atau biotik).

Jenis Fitopatogen

Patogen tumbuhan sangat mirip dengan yang menyebabkan penyakit pada manusia dan hewan. Misalnya saja jamur, organisme mirip jamur (FLO), bakteri, fitoplasma, virus, viroid, nematoda dan tanaman tingkat tinggi parasit semuanya adalah patogen tanaman.

● Bakteri

Bakteri adalah organisme mikroskopis bersel tunggal dengan dinding sel yang bereproduksi dengan pembelahan biner (satu sel terbagi menjadi dua). Introduksi pada tanaman terjadi melalui bukaan atau luka alami pada tanaman. Bakteri bertahan ketika musim dingin terutama di tanah dan di dalam tanaman yang tidak terurai, beberapa bertahan hidup di dalam vektor serangga

● Virus dan viroid

Virus adalah partikel asam nukleat intraseluler (hidup di dalam sel) dengan selubung protein yang menginfeksi organisme hidup lainnya dan bereplikasi di inang yang terinfeksi. Viroid adalah partikel mirip virus tetapi tidak memiliki lapisan protein. Virus dan viroid terutama ditularkan oleh vektor termasuk serangga, nematoda dan jamur, yang menyebarkan virus atau viroid selama hewan tersebut melakukan aktivitas makan. Virus dan viroid juga dapat ditularkan melalui benih, perbanyakan vegetatif dan pemangkasan

● Fitoplasma

Fitoplasma adalah organisme mikroskopis seperti bakteri yang tidak memiliki dinding sel sehingga tampak berserabut

● Jamur dan Fungal-like Organism (FLO)

Secara kolektif, jamur dan FLO menyebabkan penyakit tanaman paling banyak daripada kelompok patogen tanaman lainnya. Organisme ini tidak dapat membuat makanannya sendiri, kekurangan klorofil, memiliki pertumbuhan berserabut, dan mungkin bereproduksi dengan spora.

Metode PCR Untuk Deteksi Penyakit Pada Tanaman

Penyakit pada tanaman menyebabkan kerugian produksi dan ekonomi yang besar dalam industri pertanian di seluruh dunia. Pemantauan dari kesehatan dan deteksi penyakit pada tanaman sangat penting untuk pertanian berkelanjutan. Dengan demikian, metode yang cepat dan akurat untuk deteksi dan diagnosis patogen tanaman diperlukan untuk menerapkan perawatan, melakukan langkah-langkah agronomi atau melanjutkan praktik pemberantasan.

Metode konvensional untuk mengidentifikasi organisme patogen sering mengandalkan identifikasi gejala penyakit, isolasi dan pembiakan organisme lingkungan dan identifikasi laboratorium dengan uji morfologi dan biokimia. Namun, metode ini seringkali sulit dan memakan waktu serta membutuhkan pengetahuan luas tentang taksonomi dan pengalaman dalam mengenali fitur rinci

Kemajuan terbaru dalam bioteknologi dan biologi molekuler telah memainkan peran penting dalam pengembangan tes diagnostik yang cepat, spesifik dan sensitif. Tes diagnostik molekuler ini memberikan keuntungan yang signifikan dan sering melengkapi teknik tradisional mikroskop yang berdasarkan identifikasi patogen. Keuntungan diagnostik molekuler termasuk kemampuan untuk mendeteksi organisme tanpa perlu pembiakan, waktu pengujian lebih cepat, bisa dilakukan untuk sampel yang banyak dan kemampuan untuk mengidentifikasi spesies patogen atau strain berkaitan dengan deteksi alel resistensi fungisida.

Salah satu teknik diagnostik molekuler yang banyak digunakan adalah PCR. PCR atau Polymerase chain reaction adalah metode berbasis nukleotida yang paling banyak digunakan untuk mendeteksi virus tanaman. Ini adalah reaksi in vitro yang dimediasi primer yang melibatkan amplifikasi sekuens asam nukleat target.

PCR adalah prosedur tiga langkah:
(1) denaturasi pada suhu tinggi (90–95 °C),
(2) annealing primer spesifik target (45–60 °C) dan
(3) ekstensi primer dengan DNA polimerase termostabil pada 72 °C.

Berbagai varian teknik PCR telah dikembangkan mulai dari PCR konvensional hingga real-time PCR untuk meningkatkan sensitivitas dan spesifisitas deteksi virus tanaman. Beberapa metode deteksi virus adalah: PCR berbasis DNA, nested PCR (nPCR), immunocapture PCR (IC-PCR), multiplex PCR (M-PCR), real-time PCR dan DNA finger printing. Tehnik lainnya adalah PCR reverse transcription (RT) berbasis RNA, RT-PCR real-time, IC-RT-PCR dan AmpliDet RNA.

Pilihan Kit PCR dari Loewe Germany

LOEWE® menawarkan rangkaian lebih dari 60 produk kit PCR berkualitas tinggi untuk deteksi penyakit tanaman yang spesifik dan sensitif. LOEWE® berdiri sejak tahun 1988 sebagai perusahaan swasta yang independen. Sebagai salah satu pionir komersial di sektor deteksi penyakit tanaman, Loewe menawarkan rangkaian lengkap perangkat diagnostik untuk mendeteksi penyakit tanaman.

Kit PCR untuk deteksi penyakit tanaman yang ditawarkan oleh LOEWE® sebagai berikut:

1. Real Time PCR

Bergantung pada patogennya, Loewe memberikan dua mode deteksi berbeda:

● Dye-based dengan SolisGreen®, kompatibel dengan hampir semua mesin qPCR yang memiliki pengaturan standar untuk SYBR®Green, atau

● Probe-based, deteksi dengan label fluorescens FAMTM.

2. End Point PCR

Metode diagnostik sensitif menggunakan primer spesifik untuk mendeteksi mengandung RNA atau DNA patogen. Deteksi produk amplifikasi dilakukan dengan elektroforesis gel agarosa.

● Untuk deteksi DNA-Virus, Bakteri, Jamur, dan Fitoplasma
Terdiri dari pilihan DNA PCR Set dan DNA Complete Reaction Kit

● Untuk deteksi Virus RNA; berupa RNA PCR Complete Reaction Kits (ONE-Tube ONE-Step)

Berikut merupakan list PCR kit yang dijual untuk deteksi penyakit tanaman di Indonesia.



Catalog No Description Size
06064C/100 Clavibacter michiganensis sepedonicus complete REALTIME PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
Probe-based realtime PCR assay
06175C/100 Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus complete REALTIME PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
Probe-based realtime PCR assay
06056C/100 Ralstonia solanacearum species complex complete REALTIME PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
Probe-based realtime PCR assay
06129C/100 Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii complete REALTIME PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
Dye-based PCR assay
06119C/100 Xylella fastidiosa complete REALTIME PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
Dye-based PCR assay

One‐Tube One‐Step RNA PCR ‐ Viruses

Catalog No Description Size
9103 Apple Chlorotic Leaf Spot Virus RNA PCR Size
09103C/100 Apple Chlorotic Leaf Spot Virus complete RNA PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
09103PC Positive PCR Control Apple Chlorotic Leaf Spot Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 09103C/100
09103NC Negative PCR Control Apple Chlorotic Leaf Spot Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
9054 Apple Mosaic Virus RNA PCR Size
09054C/100 Apple Mosaic Virus complete RNA PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
09054PC Positive PCR Control Apple Mosaic Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 09054C/100
09054NC Negative PCR Control Apple Mosaic Virus Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
9085 Apple Stem Grooving Virus RNA PCR Size
09085C/100 Apple Stem Grooving Virus complete RNA PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
09085PC Positive PCR Control Apple Stem Grooving Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 09085C/100
09085 NC Negative PCR Control Apple Stem Grooving Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
9276 Barley Mild Mosaic Virus / Barley Yellow Mosaic Virus Duplex RNA PCR Size
detection and discrimination of both viruses within one-tube one-step RT-PCR
09276C/100 BaMMV/BaYMV complete RNA PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
09276PC Positive PCR Control BaMMV/BaYMV (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 09276C/100
09276 NC Negative PCR Control BaMMV/BaYMV (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
09211C/100 Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus/ Beet Soil‐Borne Virus/ Beet Virus Q
Triplex RNA PCR
09211C/100 BNYVV/BSBV/BVQ complete RNA PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
09211PC Positive PCR Control BNYVV/BSBV/BVQ (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 09211C/100
09211NC Negative PCR Control BNYVV/BSBV/BVQ (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
9093 Cherry Leafroll Virus RNA PCR (Detection of all published isolates) Size
09093C/100 Cherry Leafroll Virus complete RNA PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
09093PC Positive PCR Control Cherry Leafroll Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 09093C/100
09093NC Negative PCR Control Cherry Leafroll Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
9099 Citrus Tristeza Virus RNA PCR Size
09099C/100 Citrus Tristeza Virus Virus complete RNA PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
09099PC Positive PCR Control Citrus Tristeza Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 09099C/100
09099NC Negative PCR Control Citrus Tristeza Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
9108 Cucumber Mosaic Virus I and II Duplex RNA PCR Size
09108C/100 Cucumber Mosaic Virus I and II complete RNA PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
09108PC Positive PCR Cucumber Mosaic Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 09181C/100
09108NC Negative PCR Cucumber Mosaic Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
9182 Cucurbit Aphid‐Borne Yellows Virus RNA PCR Size
09182C/100 Cucurbit Aphid-Borne Yellows Virus complete RNA-PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
09182PC Positive PCR Control Cucurbit Aphid-Borne Yellows Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 09182C/100
09182NC Negative PCR Control Cucurbit Aphid-Borne Yellows Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
9110 Cucurbit Vein Yellowing Virus RNA PCR Size
09110C/100 Cucurbit Vein Yellowing Virus complete RNA PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
09110PC Positive PCR Control Cucurbit Vein Yellowing Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 09110C/100
09110NC Negative PCR Control Cucurbit Vein Yellowing Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
9195 European Mountain Ash Ringspot‐associated Virus (Emaravirus) Size
09195C/100 EMARaV complete RNA PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
09195PC Positive PCR Control EMARaV (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 09195C/100
09195NC Negative PCR Control EMARaV (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
9026 Hydrangea Ringspot Virus RNA PCR Size
09026C/100 Hydrangea Ringspot Virus complete RNA PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
09026PC Positive PCR Control Hydrangea Ringspot Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 09026C/100
09026NC Negative PCR Control Hydrangea Ringspot Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
9505 Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus RNA PCR Size
09505C/100 Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus complete RNA PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
09505PC Positive PCR Control Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 09505C/100
09505NC Negative PCR Control Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
9128 Pepino Mosaic Virus RNA PCR Size
09128C/100 Pepino Mosaic Virus complete RNA PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
09128PC Positive PCR Control Pepino Mosaic Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 09128C/100
09128NC Negative PCR Control Pepino Mosaic Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
9186 Plum Pox Virus RNA PCR Size
09186C/100 Plum Pox Virus complete RNA PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
09186PC Positive PCR Control Plum Pox Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 09186C/100
09186NC Negative PCR Control Plum Pox Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
9031 Potato Leafroll Virus RNA PCR Size
09031C/100 Potato Leafroll Virus complete RNA PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
09031PC Positive PCR Control Potato Leafroll Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 09031C/100
09031NC Negative PCR Control Potato Leafroll Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
9003 Potato Mop Top Virus RNA PCR Size
09003C/100 Potato Mop Top Virus complete RNA PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
09003PC Positive PCR Control Potato Mop Top Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 09003C/100
09003NC Negative PCR Control Potato Mop Top Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
9038 Potato Virus Y RNA PCR Size
09038C/100 Potato Virus Y complete RNA PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
09038PC Positive PCR Control Potato Virus Y (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 09038C/100
09038NC Negative PCR Control Potato Virus Y (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
9041 Potyvirus universal RNA PCR Size
09041C/100 Poty Virus universal complete RNA PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
09041PC Positive PCR Control Poty Virus universal (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 09041C/100
09041NC Negative PCR Control Poty Virus universal (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
9052 Prunus Necrotic Ringspot Virus RNA PCR Size
09052C/100 Prunus Necrotic Ringspot Virus complete RNA PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
09052PC Positive PCR Control Prunus Necrotic Ringspot Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 09052C/100
09052NC Negative PCR Control Prunus Necrotic Ringspot Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
9115 Strawberry Latent Virus RNA PCR Size
09115/100 Strawberry Latent Virus complete RNA PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
09115PC Positive PCR Control Strawberry Latent Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 09115C/100
09115NC Negative PCR Control Strawberry Latent Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
9184 Tobamovirus Broad Range RNA PCR Size
09184C/100 Tobamovirus Broad Range complete RNA PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
09184PC Positive PCR Control Tobamovirus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 09184C/100
09184NC Negative PCR Control Tobamovirus Broad Range (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
9175 Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus RNA PCR Size
i This kit has been validated during an EU‐wide Test performance study
in the frame of the Horizon2020 project VALITEST (
09175C/100 Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus complete RNA PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
09175PC Positive PCR Control Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 09175C/100
09175NC Negative PCR Control Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
9102 Tomato Chlorosis Virus RNA PCR Size
09102C/100 Tomato Chlorosis Virus complete RNA PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
09102PC Positive PCR Control Tomato Chlorosis Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 09102C/100
09102NC Negative PCR Control Tomato Clorosis Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
9101 Tomato Infectious Chlorosis Virus RNA PCR Size
09101C/100 Tomato Infectious Chlorosis Virus complete RNA PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
09101PC Positive PCR Control Tomato Infectious Chlorosis Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 09101C/100
09101NC Negative PCR Control Tomato Clorosis Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
9181 Tomato Mottle Mosaic Virus RNA PCR Size
09181C/100 Tomato Mottle Mosaic Virus complete RNA PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
09181PC Positive PCR Control Tomato Mottle Mosaic Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 09181C/100
09181NC Negative PCR Control Tomato Mottle Mosaic Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
9501 Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus RNA PCR Size
09501C/100 Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus complete RNA PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
09501PC Positive PCR Control Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus(DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 09501/100
09501NC Negative PCR Control Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
9009 Turnip Yellows Virus RNA PCR Size
09009C/100 Turnip Yellows Virus complete RNA PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
09009PC Positive PCR Control Turnip Yellows Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 09009C/100
09009NC Negative PCR Turnip Yellows Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)

DNA PCR Products ‐ Viruses

Catalog No Description Size
8112 Pea Necrotic Yellow Dwarf Virus DNA PCR Size
08112C/100 Pea Necrotic Yellow Dwarf Virus complete DNA PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
08112PC Positive PCR Control Pea Necrotic Yellow Dwarf Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 09112C/100
08112NC Negative PCR Control Pea Necrotic Yellow Dwarf Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
8180 Tomato Leafcurl New Delhi Virus DNA PCR Size
08180C/100 Tomato Leafcurl New Delhi Virus complete DNA PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
08180PC Positive PCR Control Tomato Leafcurl New Delhi Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 08180C/100
08180NC Negative PCR Control Tomato Leafcurl New Delhi Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
8177 Tomato Yellow Leafcurl Virus DNA PCR Size
08177C/100 Tomato Yellow Leafcurl Virus complete DNA PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
08177PC Positive PCR Control Tomato Yellow Leafcurl Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 08177C/100
08177NC Negative PCR Control Tomato Yellow Leafcurl Virus (DNA-based) 1 vial (10 rxn)

DNA PCR Products ‐ Phytoplasmas

Catalog No Description Size
8000 Apple Proliferation Group Phytoplasma PCR Size
detects members of the Apple Proliferation group (Apple Proliferation,
European Stone Fruit Yellows and Pear Decline Phytoplasma).
08000S/100 Apple Proliferation Group Phytoplasma PCR set 100 rxn
08000C/100 Apple Proliferation Group Phytoplasma complete PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
08000PC Positive PCR Control Apple Proliferation Group Phytoplasma 1 vial (10 rxn)
08000 NC Negative PCR Control Apple Proliferation Group Phytoplasma 1 vial (10 rxn)
8002 Aster Yellows Phytoplasma PCR Size
08002S/100 Aster Yellows Phytoplasma PCR set 100 rxn
08002C/100 Aster Yellows Phytoplasma complete PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
08002PC Positive PCR Control Aster Yellows Phytoplasma 1 vial (10 rxn)
08002NC Negative PCR Control Aster Yellows Phytoplasma 1 vial (10 rxn)
8003 Elm Yellows Phytoplasma PCR Size
08003S/100 Elm Yellows Phytoplasma PCR set 100 rxn
08003C/100 Elm Yellows Phytoplasma complete PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
08003PC Positive PCR Control Elm Yellows Phytoplasma 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 08003S/100 and 08003C/100
08003NC Negative PCR Control Elm Yellows Phytoplasma 1 vial (10 rxn)
8004 Stolbur Phytoplasma PCR Size
detects the members of the Stolbur Phytoplasma group.
08004S/100 Stolbur Phytoplasma PCR set 100 rxn
08004C/100 Stolbur Phytoplasma complete PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
08004PC Positive PCR Control Stolbur Phytoplasma 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 08004S/100 and 08004C/100
08004NC Negative PCR Control Stolbur Phytoplasma 1 vial (10 rxn)
8009 Universal Phytoplasma nested PCR Size
08009S/100 Universal Phytoplasma nested PCR Set 100 rxn
08009C/100 Universal Phytoplasma nested complete PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
08009PC Positive PCR Control Universal Phytoplasma 1 vial (10 rxn)
08009NC Negative PCR Control Universal Phytoplasma 1 vial (10 rxn)

DNA PCR Products ‐ Bacteria

Catalog No Description Size
8154 Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli PCR Size
08154S/100 Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli PCR set 100 rxn
08154C/100 Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli complete PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
08154PC Positive PCR Control Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli 1 vial (10 rxn)
08154NC Negative PCR Control Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli 1 vial (10 rxn)
8058 Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. insidiosus PCR Size
08058S/100 Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. insidiosus PCR set 100 rxn
08058C/100 Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. insidiosus complete PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
08058PC Positive PCR Control Clavibacter m. subsp. insidiosus 1 vial (10 rxn)
08058NC Negative PCR Control Clavibacter m. subsp. insidiosus 1 vial (10 rxn)
8063 Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis PCR Size
08063S/100 Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis PCR set 100 rxn
08063C/100 Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis complete PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
08063PC Positive PCR Control Clavibacter m. subsp. michiganensis 1 vial (10 rxn)
08063NC Negative PCR Control Clavibacter m. subsp. michiganensis 1 vial (10 rxn)
8064 Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus PCR Size
08064S/100 Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus PCR set 100 rxn
08064C/100 Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus complete PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
08064PC Positive PCR Control Clavibacter m. subsp. sepedonicus 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 08064S/100 and 08064C/100
08064NC Negative PCR Control Clavibacter m. subsp. sepedonicus 1 vial (10 rxn)
8198 Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens subsp. flaccumfaciens PCR Size
08198S/100 Curtobact. flaccumfaciens subsp. flaccumfaciens PCR set 100 rxn
08198C/100 Curtobact. fl.subsp. flaccumfaciens complete PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
08198PC Positive PCR Control Curtobact. flaccumfaciens subsp. flaccumfaciens 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 08198C/100 or 08198S/100
08198NC Negative PCR Control Curtobact. flaccumfaciens subsp. flaccumfaciens 1 vial (10 rxn)
8005 Erwinia amylovora nested PCR Size
08005S/100 Erwinia amylovora nested PCR set 100 rxn
08005C/100 Erwinia amylovora nested complete PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
08005PC Positive PCR Control Erwinia amylovora 1 vial (10 rxn)
08005NC Negative PCR Control Erwinia amylovora 1 vial (10 rxn)
8129 Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii PCR Size
08129S/100 Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii PCR set 100 rxn
08129C/100 Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii complete PCR kit 100 rxn
08129PC Positive PCR Control Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii 1 vial (10 rxn)
08129NC Negative PCR Control Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii 1 vial (10 rxn)
8056 Ralstonia solanacearum PCR Size
08056S/100 Ralstonia solanacearum PCR set 100 rxn
08056C/100 Ralstonia solanacearum complete PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
08056PC Positive PCR Control Ralstonia solanacearum 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 08056S/100 and 08056C/100
08056NC Negative PCR Control Ralstonia solanacearum 1 vial (10 rxn)
8170 Rhodococcus fascians pathogenic form PCR Size
08170S/100 Rhodococcus fascians pathogenic form PCR set 100 rxn
08170C/100 Rhodococcus fascians pathogenic form complete PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
08170PC Positive PCR Control Rhodococcus fascians pathogenic form 1 vial (10 rxn)
08170NC Negative PCR Control Rhodococcus fascians pathogenic form 1 vial (10 rxn)
8102 Xanthomonas citri subsp.citri PCR Size
08102S/100 X. citri subsp. citri PCR set 100 rxn
08102C/100 X. citri subsp. citri complete PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
08102PC Positive PCR Control X. citri subsp. citri 1 vial (10 rxn)
08102NC Negative PCR Control X. citri subsp. citri 1 vial (10 rxn)
8162 Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni PCR Size
08162S/100 X. arboricola pv. pruni PCR set 100 rxn
08162C/100 X. arboricola pv. pruni complete PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
08162PC Positive PCR Control X. arboricola pv. pruni 1 vial (10 rxn)
08162NC Negative PCR Control X. arboricola pv. pruni 1 vial (10 rxn)
8077 Xanthomonas hortorum pv. pelargonii PCR Size
08077S/100 Xanthomonas hortorum pv. pelargonii PCR set 100 rxn
08077C/100 Xanthomonas hortorum pv. pelargonii complete PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
08077PC Positive PCR Control X. hortorum pv. pelargonii 1 vial (10 rxn)
08077NC Negative PCR Control X. hortorum pv. pelargonii 1 vial (10 rxn)
8132 Xanthomonas oryzae PCR Size
detection of X. o. pv. oryzae and pv. oryzicola with the same primer pair
08132S/100 Xanthomonas oryzae PCR set 100 rxn
08132C/100 Xanthomonas oryzae complete PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
08132PC Positive PCR Control Xanthomonas oryzae 1 vial (10 rxn)
specific only for primers provided with 08132S/100 and 08132C/100
08132NC Negative PCR control Xanthomonas oryzae 1 vial (10 rxn)
8138 Xylophilus ampelinus PCR Size
This kit has been validated during an EU-wide test performance study
in the frame of the Horizon2020 project VALITEST (
08138S/100 Xylophilus ampelinus PCR set 100 rxn
08138C/100 Xylophilus ampelinus complete PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
08138PC Positive PCR Control Xylophilus ampelinus 1 vial (10 rxn)
08138NC Negative PCR Control Xylophilus ampelinus 1 vial (10 rxn)
8119 Xylella fastidiosa PCR Size
08119S/100 Xylella fastidiosa PCR set 100 rxn
08119C/100 Xylella fastidiosa complete PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
08119PC Positive PCR Control Xylella fastidiosa 1 vial (10 rxn)
08119NC Negative PCR Control Xylella fastidiosa 1 vial (10 rxn)

DNA PCR Products ‐ Fungi

Catalog No Description Size
08195C/100 Colletotrichum spec. Size
08195S/100 Coletrotrichum spec. PCR set 100 rxn
08195C/100 Coletrotrichum spec. complete PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
08195PC Positive PCR Control Coletrotrichum spec. 1 vial (10 rxn)
08195NC Negative PCR Control Coletrotrichum spec. 1 vial (10 rxn)
8007 Fusarium culmorum PCR Size
08007S/100 Fusarium culmorum PCR set 100 rxn
08007C/100 Fusarium culmorum complete PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
08007PC Positive PCR Control F. culmorum 1 vial (10 rxn)
08007NC Negative PCR Control F. culmorum 1 vial (10 rxn)
8008 Fusarium graminearum PCR Size
08008S/100 Fusarium graminearum PCR set 100 rxn
08008C/100 Fusarium graminearum complete PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
08008PC Positive PCR Control Fusarium graminearum 1 vial (10 rxn)
08008NC Negative PCR Control Fusarium graminearum 1 vial (10 rxn)
8006 Phytophthora fragariae PCR Size
08006S/100 Phytophthora fragariae PCR set 100 rxn
08006C/100 Phytophthora fragariae complete PCR reaction kit 100 rxn
08006PC Positive PCR Control Phytophthora fragariae 1 vial (10 rxn)
08006NC Negative PCR Control Phytophthora fragariae 1 vial (10 rxn)

Supplements for Molecular Kits

Plant DNA and RNA Extraction Kits and Chemicals

Catalog No Description Size
0845DNA/050 Plant DNA Extraction Kit produced for LOEWE® by Innuscreen 50 extractions
0945RNA/050 Plant RNA Extraction Kit produced for LOEWE® by Innuscreen 50 extractions
0840 LAD/050 DNA Ladder Marker MW range 100 – 3000 bp 50µg
0850DYE/010 DNA Loading Dye blue 6x 1ml
0600IC/100 Internal Control Kit for LOEWE®REALTIME reaction kits 100 rxn

Daftar Pustaka

Henson, JM dan French RC. 1993. The polymerase chain reaction and plant disease diagnosis. University of Nebraska.

Bhat, AI dan Rao. GP. 2020. Polymerase Chain Reaction. Springer Protocols

Alemu, K. 2014. Real-Time PCR and Its Application in Plant Disease Diagnostics. Advances in Life Science and Technology. Assosa University.