Minux® FS800 Cryostats Semi-Automatic

Minux® FS800 Cryostats Semi-Automatic

FS800 Cryostat, also called freeze microtome, is designed to consistently produce high quality frozen sections of maximum quality. Featured superior capability, it is able to cut tissues at low temperatures (as low as -35 °C) quickly. FS800 is your ideal choice for all research applications and even for advanced clinical cryo-sectioning needs.
Available Types:
UV: for large specimen numbers and varying specimen types with UVC for increased user safety.
Specimen: Standard type with individually controlled temperature settings on both the cabinet and the object specimen holder.
Vacuum: Cryostat with vacuum cleaning system for maximizing safety.









Model information

Model Type UVC disinfection Vacuum Specimen cooling system Auto section Note
FS800 UV for large specimen numbers and varying specimen types with UVC for increased user safety.
Specimen Standard type with individually controlled temperature settings on both the cabinet and the object specimen holder.
Vacuum  Cryostat with vacuum cleaning system for maximizing safety.