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Conference Schedule

Jun 26th, 2:00 pm JST / 10:30 IST / 3:00 PM AEST


Ying Zhou, PhD

Product Manager, CUSABIO

Yanli Shen

ELISA Technology Scientist, CUSABIO

Key Content

1. Understanding ELISA from principle and types

2. High-performance and high-quality ELISA Kits from CUSABIO

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), originating in the 1970s, is based on the principle that soluble antigens or antibodies are specifically bound to solid-phase carriers such as polystyrene. By combining specific recognition between antigens and antibodies with efficient enzyme catalysis, the color reaction of the substrate and its color depth are used to achieve qualitative or quantitative analysis of immune responses. With simple operation, high sensitivity, specificity, and high throughput, it can be widely used in life science, clinical diagnosis, environmental monitoring, drug residue detection, and so on.

CUSABIO ELISA kit relies on years of research and development experience and an independent platform, using multi-dimensional quality control, to develop ready-to-use, high-quality, and high-performance ELISA kits. This lecture will comprehensively analyze the detection principle and classification of ELISA, systematically elaborate the multidimensional quality control parameters of CUSABIO's high-quality ELISA, analyze the product performance advantages, and provide comprehensive and in-depth ELISA technical knowledge for scientific researchers.




Molecular Biology


Postal Address:

7505 Fannin St., Ste 610, Room 7 (CUBIO Innovation Center), Houston, TX 77054, USA

Website: www.cusabio.com

© 2024 CUSABIO All Products For Research Use Only

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